The SpeechTek Lab at Fondazione Bruno Kessler investigates AI-based solutions for speech technologies, addressing a variety of speech related tasks: automatic speech recognition (ASR), speech enhancement and separation, spoken language understanding, speaker identification, automatic language learning and other speech and audio applications. The group is particularly interested in the application of AI topical research directions to the speech context, such as: continual learning, large-scale models, self-supervised adaptation, edge processing. These are key features towards an effective and efficient deployment of speech technologies in real-life conditions and are being investigated also in multi-modal (audio-visual) scenarios. Finally, the group has also a long-lasting experience in customization of ASR services.
The group is part of the center for Augmented Intelligence
Michela is doctor in Cognitive Science
by Alessio Brutti | Mar 14, 2024
Congratulations to Michela Rais for successfully defending her master thesis and completing her master in Cognitive Science. Well done...
Stefano graduates at University of Bologna
by Alessio Brutti | Oct 11, 2023
Early-Exit Conformer for ASR on git
by Alessio Brutti | Aug 23, 2023
Another succesfull PhD at SpeechTek
by Alessio Brutti | May 26, 2023
Two more max-score masters from STEK
by Alessio Brutti | Mar 22, 2023